Monday, August 3, 2009

26th July Botswana

We camped Sunday night at Kwa Nokeng after crossing the Botswana border post at Martins Drift (Grobblers Ridge) This campsite is just inside Botswana with nice ablutions. We then headed for Francistown and camped at Woodlands this was fantastic and upmarket ablutions. I noticed one of the shock lower mounting pins welding had broken, which was a bit disturbing as we had not really been on bad roads at this stage and Winelands Echo will hear about this when we get back. It was extremely cold during the night as the next morning we had to brush off the ice off the tent roof as we packed up. We then headed Francistown again and had the shock mounting rewelded and the other reinforced by a backyard mechanic, but very helpful as he was directed by me lying in the dirt under the trailer making sure he was doing a thorough job. Then onto the Plumtree border post to go into Zimbabwe. This post was easy and pretty well vacant to our delight, it made avoiding Beit Bridge a wise choice.

1 comment:

  1. I can't see you lying in the dirt in that pic.
