Thursday, October 22, 2009

12th October – Senga Bay Cool Runnings

We left Mike that morning with sore hearts as we already had a bond with him – what an interesting man, as he was going off to South Lluanda Zambia and we were going to Cool Runnings, where Jane stone spent a month there as well as the couple from Oudshoorn - Jan and Lisa (who we met at Chitimba). So we were looking forward to something really special and I must say we were disappointed. Although the place was fully grassed (the only plus) it was very small so you had to camp ontop of each other. The Owners Sam’s house and the restaurant was above the beachfront but blocking the view and the off shore breeze from the campers. We came here to see Lake Malawi but unless you went to the pub or walked along the beach you were hidden from the view – which is why we came here in the first place. All the other sites that we had stayed at including Kenya and Tanzania had a view site of some sort, be it a river, sea or lake. As Colleen said it felt like we were camping in someone’s back yard, and that we could do at home.
We met up with Amy and Paul – the New Zealand couple the we met the morning we arrived at Chitimba. We were excited to see each other and had a good few days with them and even did a dive with them on lizard Island. My first fresh water “Altitude dive”, another point towards my advanced dive certificate. We also took some items of stuff for them to go to Cape Town to make there back packs a little lighter which they will collect when they come stay with us in November. They were on their was to South Lluangwa and then Bots and Namibia. They had back packed from Europe through Sudan and Ethiopia all on local busses, Amazing.
Also to arrive were a german couple in there groot Trok, they had been travelling Africa for 3 ½ years down the west coast and were now on their way up the east coast.

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